Thursday, November 29, 2007

Why the Bad Rap?

Mention the words "Direct Sales", and people look at you as though you have cursed at them! I don't know what started this bad karma, but it simply isn't deserved. I made several sales calls in my local town this morning, and I actually enjoy it! Why not? You get to meet new people, see the products they carry, and even make some money every now and then. And sometimes you learn a few things, such as what types of products people like and what types of prices they charge. This helps you go back to make a second call. You know what types of products they are looking for, and what their price range is, making it even easier to sell to them the second time! If you believe in your products, direct sales is THE way to go when you desire to make a good living from home. There are so many different ways to market: To the public as I have been demonstrating above, home parties, church friends, online, the list is endless! So if you think direct sales is such a bad thing, don't believe it - try it for yourself sometime!

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