Friday, November 30, 2007

Honesty - How Refreshing!

A couple of days ago, I was surfing TrafficSwarm and came upon a home business opportunity that I thought looked pretty interesting. Of course it was FREE (ha-ha) as so many programs claim to be, only for you to find out after you enter your name and e-mail address that it really isn't. I e-mailed the person who I signed up under requesting proof that he had been paid by this program before I spent time setting it all up, testing it out to see if I would make any money, and putting it on my Home Business site. I was absolutely amazed when I received an e-mail back from him, saying he was still in the program, but he refused to pay all of the upgrade charges (this opportunity has multiple sites you join to make money). He told me he had been in the program since October 2006 (over a year) and hadn't made any money! Not many people will be that honest with you, and I really appreciated that honesty. When you work at home, you don't have time to spend working on something that is not going to produce any results! This person knows who he is, and if he reads this post, THANK YOU SO MUCH!

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