Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I Lucked Out at the Exasperation Point

When I began trying to work on-line, I never dreamed it would be so complicated and confusing. The more time I spent trying to find a decent way to make money at home, the more hype and scams I ran into. I'm sure this goes for everyone who has ever tried to make money on the internet.

After weeks of searching, I think I had probably joined 30 different programs trying to find a diamond in the rough. I had so much confusion going on with that many different programs, I had no idea what I was doing!

Finally, after months of trying to make something for myself on the web, I decided it was time to stop trying to promote and push all these different programs and start over. You can't do a good job on ANY program when you have too many directions you're trying to go in.

Luckily for me, I finally found a couple of opportunities that sounded simple, were free to join, and looked like genuine money making programs. I stopped everything else I was trying to work on, and put all my focus and energy into these programs.

If you want an honest and simple avenue into making money, One Step 4 Income and Pre-Launch 4 Income are the two programs that saved me from giving up. I have stuck with these wonderful programs, and I am now making a great income working on-line. If I can do it, anyone can. Don't give up on your dream!